Radar > 229526

Felipe Gruber is Aidar SBZ Advogados' new partner

Felipe Gruber é o novo sócio do Aidar SBZ Advogados

Intel ID : 229526

Felipe Gruber is Aidar SBZ Advogados' new partner. He has worked with several international law firms, such as Linklaters and Shearman & Sterling, and has over ten years of experience.

Felipe Gruber will bring strength to Aidar SBZ's activities in the corporate segment. The firm's partners includes Ricardo Melaré in Corporate and Structured Finance, Alexandre Gleria in Tax Advisory, and Marcelo Valença in Real Estate Transactions. The team leaders are partners Decio Daidone Junior, in Labour, and Guilherme Amaral, head of Aviation segment.

Graduated from PUC-SP, Gruber has a degree in corporate law from Insper and LL.M from the University of California -. Berkeley School of Law. He worked for: Braskem in M​​&A and project finance deals; Linklaters in London and New York, representing investors in infrastructure and energy projects, as well as debt refinancing and mergers and acquisitions of international companies; Shearman & Sterling, also in New York, representing development agencies and international banks to encourage development and financing of energy and infrastructure projects in Latin America.
(content in portuguese)

Felipe Gruber é o novo sócio do Aidar SBZ Advogados. O advogado, que tem passagem por bancas internacionais como Linklaters e Shearman & Sterling e mais de dez anos de experiência, integra a equipe societária do escritório.

O novo sócio vem reforçar a atuação do Aidar SBZ na área corporativa, que já conta com os sócios Ricardo Melaré, no Societário e Operações Estruturadas, Alexandre Gleria, no Tributário Consultivo, e Marcelo Valença, em Operações Imobiliárias. Completam a liderança das equipes os sócios Decio Daidone Junior, do Trabalhista, e Guilherme Amaral, responsável pelo Aeronáutico.

Graduado pela PUC-SP, o novo sócio tem pós-graduação em direito societário pelo Insper e LL.M pela Universidade da Califórnia - Berkeley School of Law. Felipe Gruber atuou na Braskem em operações de M&A e Project Finance. No Linklaters, em Londres e Nova Iorque, representou investidores em projetos de infraestrutura e energia, além de atuar no refinanciamento de dívidas e transações de fusões e aquisições de companhias internacionais. No Shearman & Sterling, também em Nova Iorque, Gruber representou agências de fomento e bancos internacionais no desenvolvimento e financiamento de projetos de energia e infraestrutura na América Latina.



Intel ID 229526
Value ND
Native Currency Brazilian Real (BRL)
Exchange Rate:
Subsector (Old TTR Sectors)
Intel Grade


Subsector (Old TTR Sectors)
Services and Distribution / Consultancy, Audit and Engineering (Primary)
Primary Sector (TTRSC)
10.01.10 Legal Services
10 Business Services / 10.01 Business & Professional Support Services



verified Verified: Confirmed as a party to an active or possible transaction.

potential Potential: Unconfirmed as a party to an active or possible transaction.

retained Retained: Confirmed as “Retained” with a general or specific mandate.

prospect Prospect: Advisory “Prospect” in discussions with or pitching services to possible client.

Transactional data is continuously updated by the research team and therefore is subject to change.