September 2011

September 2011
September 2011
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In Brazil, there were a number of important transactions registered throughout the month of September. Among the 55 recorded deals, 13 were foreign investments in the country, which indicates the growing importance of the Brazilian market internationally. The Services and Distribution was particularly active, especially the Education subsector and the Consultancy, Audit and Engineering subsector.

Another key event in September was the rescission of an agreement signed in May 2011 between Grupo Alfonso Gallardo and Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN). As a result CSN cancelled the acquisition of the Spain-based companies Cementos Balboa, Corrugados Azpeitia, and Azpeitia e Corrugados Lasao, and the Germany-based companies Gallardo Sections and Stahlwek Thüringen.

Relevant deals across other Latin American, in September, markets include the acquisition of Águas de Tumbes (Atusa), a Peru-based water distributor, by Água de Manizales, a Colombia-based company. The deal value was USD 1,700bn. Additionally, in Mexico, Femsa, the Coca-Cola distributor, acquired two companies: Corporación Los Ángeles for USD 832.7m and La Pureza for USD 790m, thus expanding its presence in the country. Highlights in Chile include the merger of Grupo SMU by Supermercados del Sur. The deal value was USD 215m. In Argentina, highlights include Grupo Bimbo's acquisition of a 70% stake in Alimentos Fargo, gaining control over the company.